For one quake survivor -Hideaki Akaiwa in Miyagi was reported by foreign media such as Forbes and the LA Times, has become a hot topic. Although he was devastated by the quake and tsunami, he rescued his wife and mother by his own self.
Akaiwa was at work a few miles away when the tsunami hit, and first of all Akaiwa was really worried about his loved wife whom met 20 years ago surfing in a local bay.He was not able to wait relief workers which anyone doesn’t know when would come or not. So he got hold of some scuba gear and then cast himself into the dangerous water which was quite difficult with all the floating wreckage.
Akaiwa had to swim about 200yd(183m) to find his house which was submerged under almost 10ft of water.Finally he found his wife gasping for the last remaining remnants of air available in an upper level of the house.
"The water felt very cold, dark and scary,"
he recalled.
"It was quite difficult with all the floating wreckage."
His work is not even close to done. A few days after a disaster to find the missing mother to shelter, head to where his mother was last seen. As expected, his mother was left behind in flooded homes.
“She was very much panicking,” Akaiwa said. “There were rushing waters all around still and she was trapped in the upper part of her house.”
4days have passed since the earthquake struck, when he rescued her.
When asked by Southeast Asia Bureau reporter Rick Westhead why he risked his life to save his wife, he simply replied
“She is very important for me”
through his interpreter.
Since then he has continued to work to find and rescue his friends and neighbors. He always carries a light brown case in which “green tea,water,a flashlight,a change of clothes, first aid kit, camouflage work gloves,a Swiss Army-style knife, 2 packs of cigarette and a lighter” with his a pair of Ray-Ban aviator glasses on.
“I have to get back out and keep looking,” during the interview. I just have to pray that he saves his friends and acquaintances and return safely to his family.
《A: KANJI icons & Wall paper By Ninja CHIKUWA》
Do you know Kanji icon?
world's first Kanji(漢字) icon
Each Kanji expresses a Mobile Features.
Japanese Kanji is very cool and awesome.
One characteristic of the Japanese kanji is that one Kanji has many implications.
Each Kanji expresses a Mobile fuction. Kanji Icons include 46 types.
観 means 'watch clip'.
検 means 'search by PC' .
呟 means 'mutter'.
Please know NINJA culture still more through ≪NINJA LETTER≫.
The letter listed「The Code」,「The Discipline」and「The Charm」
written by Japanese NINJA and includes 「The Certificate of「NINJA DUTY」.
If you received NINJA LETTER from Japan, you had to inherit NINJA DUTY.
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