Otaku (おたく / オタク) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, or video games.
They keep their virginity and sponage on their parents.
An instruction manual of Otaku in Japan 日本のオタク取り扱い説明書 PARTⅡ
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■■■Otaku likes Peeping. オタクは盗撮を好みます
■■■Otaku always seeks for sexy model. オタクは常にアイドルを追い求めます
■■■Otaku preserves a breath which sexy idol lets out. オタクはアイドルの息を保存します
■■■Otaku loves hugging pillow of idol. オタはアニメの抱き枕をこよなく愛します
(Otaku has a hugging pillow of idol even when he eats out.)
■■■Otaku room is very dirty.
(Otaku room after earthquake)
■■■Otaku is pure but does not have a friend. オタクの心は純粋だが友達はいません
『Otaku's friend is TV Game.』『オタクの友達はテレビゲームです』
『I have no friend.』
■■■Otaku is fashionable. オタクはお洒落である
■■■Otaku's girlfriend is a figure. オタクの彼女はフィギュアです
■■■The child fears Otaku. 子供はオタクを怖がります
■■■Otaku has a figure bag. オタクのかばんはフィギュアの紙袋です
Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!
《A: KANJI icons & Wall paper By Ninja CHIKUWA》
Do you know Kanji icon?
world's first Kanji(漢字) icon
Each Kanji expresses a Mobile Features.
Japanese Kanji is very cool and awesome.
One characteristic of the Japanese kanji is that one Kanji has many implications.
Each Kanji expresses a Mobile fuction. Kanji Icons include 46 types.
観 means 'watch clip'.
検 means 'search by PC' .
呟 means 'mutter'.
Please know NINJA culture still more through ≪NINJA LETTER≫.
The letter listed「The Code」,「The Discipline」and「The Charm」
written by Japanese NINJA and includes 「The Certificate of「NINJA DUTY」.
If you received NINJA LETTER from Japan, you had to inherit NINJA DUTY.
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